[00:00.98]天河 Heavenly River [00:01.39] [00:01.78]——中英文对照歌词—— [00:02.12] [00:02.45]作词:远山、刘子琪 [00:02.78]Lyrics: Yuan Shan, Liu Ziqi [00:03.12]作曲:王艺歌 [00:03.51]Music: Wang Yige [00:03.88]演唱:刘子琪 [00:04.22]Vocal: Liu Ziqi [00:04.59]编曲:多剑平 [00:04.94]Arrangement: Duo Jianping [00:05.26]混缩:周晓明 [00:05.63]Parallel Serial: Zhou Xiaoming [00:05.94]总策划:王军 [00:06.28]Chief Planning: Wang Jun [00:06.62]总监制:王宝玉 [00:06.92]Chief Supervisor: Wang Baoyu [00:07.22]总协调:郝建雄 [00:07.53]Chief Coordination: Hao Jianxiong [00:07.90]艺术指导:杨贵(红旗渠总设计师) [00:08.26]Art Director: Yang Gui (Chief Designer of Reg Flag Channel) [00:08.58]总制片:张海波 [00:08.92]Chief Producer: Zhang Haibo [00:09.26]制片:郝建雄 [00:09.59]Producer: Hao Jianxiong [00:09.91]总导演:刘子琪 [00:10.27]Chief Director: Liu Ziqi [00:10.59]执行导演:李志勋 [00:10.96]Acting Director: Li Zhixun [00:11.31]摄影:王健、王锦宏、赵威 [00:11.67]Filming: Wang Jian, Wang Jinghong, Zhao Wei [00:11.95]灯光:郭京海、郭京江 [00:12.36]Lighting: Guo Jinghai, Guo Jingjiang [00:12.74]化妆:于波、贾海萍 [00:13.10]Makeup: Yu Bo, Jiang Haiping [00:13.47]摄影:邓阳、李俊生 [00:13.81]Filming: Deng Yang, Li Junsheng [00:14.17]服装:李俊娴、靳乐天 [00:14.48]Cloth: Li Junxian, Zhan Letian [00:14.84]后期:吕兴斌、姚哲维 [00:15.20]Anaphase: Lv Xingbing, Yao Zhewei [00:15.53]翻译:潘伟洋、潘伟星 [00:15.87]Translation:Pan Weiyang, Pan Weixing [00:16.21] [00:22.58]“红旗渠精神是我们党的性质和宗旨的集中体现, [00:23.65]历史弥新,永远不会过时”。——习近平 [00:24.74]“Red Flag Channel Sprint is a core reflection of our party’s characteristics and mission, [00:25.85]and will long last, ever last.” [00:27.16] [00:50.33]你可曾见过这样一条河 [00:57.47]Have you ever seen such river [00:57.59]有一湾碧波从天上流过 [01:04.04]With a green stream flowing through the heaven [01:04.16]她好像天河挽着白云朵朵 [01:10.67]she is like a heavenly river with the clouds [01:10.81]就这样悄悄流进百姓心窝 [01:19.31]Soundlessly flows into people’s heart [01:19.45]你可曾听过这样一首歌 [01:25.79]Have you even heard such song [01:25.91]歌声唱出这奇迹的苦与乐 [01:32.45]That sings the miracles of sadness and happiness [01:32.57]震天的一声吼 [01:35.77]With a roaring that shakes the heaven [01:35.87]点燃心中的那团火 [01:39.05]Lights up the fire in the heart [01:39.19]扯下玉带从此群山不寂寞 [01:47.28]Tears down the jade belt and the mountains no longer alone [01:47.43]这心中的天河是不息的战歌 [01:54.02]The heavenly river in the heart is a restless battle song [01:54.16]志立过 酒干过 [01:57.39]Minded determined, honor toasted [01:57.51]奋进路上不退缩 [02:00.52]No retreat on the way of fight [02:00.65]这美丽的天河是高唱的赞歌 [02:07.37]The beautiful heavenly river is a loud paean [02:07.51]汗淌过 血洒过 [02:10.70]Sweat streamed, blood shed [02:10.82]中华儿女大气魄 [02:18.38]The children of china are courageous [02:18.74] [02:49.26]你可曾听过这样一首歌 [02:55.80]Have you even heard such song [02:55.91]歌声唱出这奇迹的苦与乐 [03:02.37]That sings the miracles of sadness and happiness [03:02.51]震天的一声吼 [03:05.61]With a roaring that shakes the heaven [03:05.71]点燃心中的那团火 [03:09.07]Lights up the fire in the heart [03:09.21]扯下玉带从此群山不寂寞 [03:17.26]Tears down the jade belt and the mountains no longer alone [03:17.42]这心中的天河是不息的战歌 [03:24.03]The heavenly river in the heart is a restless battle song [03:24.16]红旗渠 英雄渠 [03:27.24]Channel of red flag, channel of heroes [03:27.36]中华儿女大气魄 [03:30.50]The children of china are courageous [03:30.66]这美丽的天河是高唱的赞歌 [03:37.39]The beautiful heavenly river is a loud paean [03:37.52]红旗渠 幸福渠 [03:40.59]Red Flag Channel, channel of heroes [03:40.73]浇灌人间好生活 [03:45.56]Irrigates happy lives on earth [03:45.69]这心中的天河是不息的战歌 [03:52.26]The heavenly river in the heart is a restless battle song [03:52.40]红旗渠 英雄渠 [03:55.56]Channel of red flag, channel of heroes [03:55.70]中华儿女大气魄 [03:58.83]The children of china are courageous [03:58.98]这美丽的天河是高唱的赞歌 [04:05.77]The beautiful heavenly river is a loud paean [04:05.91]红旗渠 幸福渠 [04:08.84]Red Flag Channel, channel of heroes [04:09.00]浇灌人间好生活 [04:14.08]Irrigates happy lives on earth [04:14.18]红旗渠 幸福渠 [04:17.24]Red Flag Channel, channel of heroes [04:17.39]浇灌人间好生活 [04:30.51]Irrigates happy lives on earth [04:30.84] [04:31.86]“人工天河”红旗渠,1960年开工,先后有30余万人参加会战,历时10年, [04:32.18]修建总干渠分干渠10条304.1公里,农渠4281条4000公里, [04:32.36]被誉为“世界第八大奇迹”,“新中国两大奇迹之一”。为了这一宏伟工程, [04:32.58]有81为建设者献出宝贵生命。 [04:32.77]“Man-made Heavenly